HELL... a real place

Hell is not a “bad idea”. Hell is a real place that was never designed for us.  It is only designed for people who choose to die in rejection of the sovereign authority of God’s mercy.  – Matthew 10:28

JUDGMENT... a reality of eternity.

Judgement day is coming for each of us, We are all personally responsible to give an account of our life for ourselves. Without the mercy of Christ, our guilt will not be pardoned, and we will be sentenced to Hell. 

– Romans 14:10-12, Hebrews 10:26-31

MERCY REJECTION... a REAL consequence

The grief of  “God” will not remove His responsibility to do what He said. If we do not forgive each other, God will not forgive us. We reject mercy when we refuse to receive Christ & refuse to forgive others.

- Matthew 6:14-15, Jude 5-19