Cynical Accusations

Cynical - believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.

At various times in life, we can find ourselves to be selfish, doubting others, and assuming the absence of the sincerity and or integrity of others.

Actions of betrayal and deception caused by other people can increase the desire to make a "blanket-like" conclusion that most, if not all persons are self focused.

Pain from these actions against us is experienced as hurful, disappointing and frustrating.

Prayer in conversation with the Holy Spirit allows a safe space to express this pain and how it affects us.

When we don't pray and vent to the Holy Spirit, we tend to express ourselves in other ways that “report truth” without offering hope.

Change begins with believing that change is possible, so I encourage you to believe again and to pray.

Have a conversation with the Holy Spirit before betrayal and deception use pain to present the temptation to believe or speak as a cynical person.


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